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Heartland Confederate Offensive

All the scenarios presented below are only playable on the Chickamauga title.

To obtain the updated Leaders file go to the Leaders files section of this website.

Battle of Richmond - August 30th 1862

A little history

The Battle of Richmond, Kentucky, fought August 29 and 30, 1862, was the first major battle in the Kentucky Campaign. Major General Edmund Kirby Smith launched an attack against Union major general William "Bull" Nelson's forces, which were defending the town. Nelson had asked General Manson not to start a general battle against the approaching Confederates. On the morning of August 30, disobeying orders, and confident following the fighting the day before around Big Hill, Manson chose to continue to advance against the rebels.
At the same time, Kirby Smith asked Cleburne to attack the Federal positions around Richmond, promising him the imminent arrival of Churchill's division as reinforcements.


Battle of Richmond_20221009 (Historical & Whatif)

Game installation requires owning the original WDS Chickamauga game

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